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I picked the winners and I emailed them. Please, make sure you check your emails - and your spam folder.
Don't forget to come back for the Book Blitz on the release day of Fix Up (Oct 14)! There will be another giveaway. Maybe bigger. Shhh!
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***Book Spotlight*** Cover Reveal - Dirty Secret by Emma Hart
We are so excited to announce a brand new series from NYT Bestselling Author Emma Hart!!!
Date: Dec 1, 2014
Date: Dec 1, 2014
Where she’s been for the last two and half years is a
mystery, and so is the reason she left in the first place. Now, though, she’s
back in their hometown of Shelton Bay, South Carolina, at the same time
Conner’s band Dirty B is home on a tour break.
mystery, and so is the reason she left in the first place. Now, though, she’s
back in their hometown of Shelton Bay, South Carolina, at the same time
Conner’s band Dirty B is home on a tour break.
Sofie Callahan has spent the months since her father’s death
avoiding anything to do with her home town. But with her brother in
Afghanistan, she has no choice but to return and sort out her father’s house,
even if it means facing the boy she fell in love with and revealing the reason
she left.
avoiding anything to do with her home town. But with her brother in
Afghanistan, she has no choice but to return and sort out her father’s house,
even if it means facing the boy she fell in love with and revealing the reason
she left.
Conner has questions, and when his broken heart and her
guilty one collide, Sofie has to start answering them. Their present is rocky,
their future unknown. Only one thing is certain:
guilty one collide, Sofie has to start answering them. Their present is rocky,
their future unknown. Only one thing is certain:
Sofie’s daughter will change everything.
That kid that could be mine.
I get up and let the empty bottle drop to the floor. The woods are eerily quiet, as if it can sense my anger. As if it knows the bitterness that lingers in my veins, as if it knows the burn of not knowing anything.
Like the woods, I’m left in the dark. Completely.
Branches and twigs crunch under my feet as I increase my pace to a gentle jog. And again, to a slow run. Then to a sprint.
The need to know increases with every footstep, as evenly paced as the ticking of the clock. It doesn’t matter that I’ve probably drunk too much beer to be here or that we’ve only been back for a matter of days.
I can’t be in this shithole full of memories without knowing. I can’t move on until I know. I can’t forgive her for a single fucking thing until I know—and even then, maybe I won’t be able to.
Maybe she’s unforgivable.
Instead of knocking on the back door like I did yesterday, I round the side of the house to the front door. The front room light glows softly through the curtains, but the rest of the house is dark.
My chest heaves with the exertion of my run here and I grab the doorframe to balance myself. I’m definitely too fucking drunk for this conversation, but what the hell.
I bang on the door, once, twice, again and again and again. “Sofie! Open the fuckin’ door!”
“Shut up!” she hisses, yanking it open. “The hell’re you doing here?”
I smirk, leaning against the wall. “Shouldn’t I be askin’ you that, princess?”
“Are you drunk?” Her voice rises a little at the end, and her eyes widen.
Those eyes. Fuck, those baby blues that have always undone me.
“Drunk? No. If I was drunk I’d be sitting at home like a miserable bastard and not here facing the cause of my misery.”
“You’re being an asshole. I don’t have to listen to this.”
She pushes on the door, but I wedge my foot in front of it. I let go of the wall and grab the edge of the door.
“Actually, you do.”
She can’t overpower me, and she knows it, because she lets up and the door swings open. “Why are you here, Conner?”
“You have a kid.”
She smacks her lips together. “Yep.”
“When? When did you have her?”
Sofie takes a deep breath in and presses her hands to her stomach. They’re shaking, even as she links her fingers to hide it. I can see that fucking tremble.
She whispers something but I’m too pre-occupied by her hands to hear it.
“August last year,” she repeats, still a whisper.
August. Last year. My stomach clenches as I meet her eyes. “When? When in fuckin’ August, Sofie?”
“August fifteenth.” Her voice hitches halfway through the ‘fifteenth.’
Almost seven months to the day she walked out on me and the rest of Shelton Bay.
Adrenaline hums through my body, and I stare at her. At the tears building in her eyes, the quiver of her lips, the bob of her throat as she swallows harshly.
It’s no different from the burn in my chest, the twisting of my stomach.
“Is she mine?”
She shudders and a tear drips from her eye.
“Sofie. Is. She. Mine?!”

author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful
little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she
fancies - usually wine - and writes books.
Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with
her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top
Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a
shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a
whole lotta love.
her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top
Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a
shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a
whole lotta love.
She likes to be busy - unless busy involves doing the
dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.
***Spotlight*** Book Blitz - Beautiful Ruin by Alison Foster + #Giveaway
WELCOME to the Release Day Party and Giveaway for BEAUTIFUL RUIN. BEAUTIFUL RUIN is a New Adult contemporary romance by Alison Foster.
We’re celebrating the release with an awesome giveaway with lots of gift cards and books.
To make things even better, the book is on sale for $0.99 for THREE days only! Go get your copy today.
COME JOIN US on Facebook where we’re having a great Release Party with steamy excerpts and flash giveaways!
DON’T FORGET to also enter the Rafflecopter and win Amazon gift cards and books!
Grace Kendall knows what it’s like to have life knock you on your butt. She’s been through hell and made it back. She’s fine with trusting no one and expecting nothing until a night wind blows something quite unexpected onto her doorstep in the rain.
The scruffy, yet gorgeous enigma known as Nathan Henley steps inside her apartment and brings with him all those feelings Grace has tried so hard to tuck safely away. Beneath his bruised and damaged exterior, she senses all the dark and beautiful secrets lost within the tarnished diamond of his lonely heart.
Like everyone before him, he must be too good to be true. She resists his mystery as long as she can, but she knows that any woman would gladly throw themselves against his rock hard chest and shatter helplessly into a million lustful pieces.
When Grace finally decides to trust again, her ex-boyfriend Jack returns to her life with his crooked grin and the past comes crashing down. With the world spinning all around her, Grace must do more than trust, she must fight for the salvation of her own lonely heart.
*Content Warning: this book contains explicit language and sex. Mature readers only.*
He raises my chin with one finger and smiles at me with a sincerity that is worrisome rather than reassuring. I’m not sure what game he’s playing, but everything in me screams that this is indeed a game.
“You’re so innocent,” he says.
“You mean naïve?”
He shakes his head, staring deep into my eyes. The smell of his tanned skin is intoxicating. My heartbeat increases making me feel faint.
Control yourself, Grace, is all I manage to think. He’s not the man I kissed at the library. I take a breath and pull myself away from the physical and emotional closeness he’s trying to build between us.
This will never happen. It cannot happen. I’m not bad looking, but I’m not exactly calendar material. There’s no way a man like this could be interested in me. Taylor is the one who’s always gotten the attention when we went out together or met new people. Whatever Nate’s issues are, they have nothing to do with me and I don’t need another troubled man in my life.
“This has been interesting, but I think it’s time for you to go,” I say. “It’s getting late and I’m exhausted.”
He looks frustrated. “I haven’t said what I came here to say.”
“Well, just say it already.” This might have come off as a little aggressive. I try to soften it up. “Or don’t say it.”
“Will you be my friend again?”
His meaning escapes me. “Are you asking if things can go back to normal?” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “Sure, why not?”
“I want us to go back to that moment when I invited myself for dinner,” he says slowly. “I want us to start from that exact moment.”
I get up and lock my eyes on his. “Why, Nate? I mean, we had no problems being shelter buddies and getting along in our strange way. That seems to be our most peaceful state. Why do you need to make it something more? You sound a little crazy wanting to go back to a moment in time. Why?”
“Because you’re the most curious person I’ve met in a long time.”
“Me? I’m the curious one?” I laugh in an exaggerated manner.
“It’s more of a curiosity I feel when I talk to you, when we’re close, when we kiss, when my body feels your warmth,” he says almost scientifically.
I make sure to give him my most incredulous glare. “Really? If it was the kisses and warmth you were after you pretty much fucked that up.”
“I know I did,” he says like a sad puppy. I sincerely want to jump his bones, but resist. “That’s why, Dear Grace, I am asking to be friends only.”
“Silly Nate,” I say. “Forgive me, it’s Nathan, right?”
“Nate’s fine,” he says. “Anything your voice says is fine by me.”
“What girl can be only friends with you?” I say weakening.
Instead of an answer, he puts one hand behind my head and pulls me back down to the couch with his face close to mine. “I don’t care about any other girl,” he says.
My whole body loses the will to resist as he parts my lips with his tongue. He tastes like honey and cinnamon. He tastes like happiness. He gently bites my upper lip, letting a finger trace my ear ever so slightly.
His arm tightens around my waist sending splintered pulses along my spine. I fight to keep a simple truth from him, that he could make me do whatever he wants. I hide a thousand yeses from him, desperate that if they all spill out at once there would be nothing left of me to love.
Alison Foster loves reading a good love story almost as much as she loves writing one. She spends her time dreaming up strong heroes and even stronger heroines and she enjoys finding unexpected strengths within her characters when they are in the most unexpected places.
She believes that passion makes the world go round and that a sexy grin is as sweet as candy. She loves interacting with readers, so feel free to drop her a line.
TWITTER https://twitter.com/alisonsreads
a Rafflecopter giveaway
***Spotlight*** Cover Reveal - French Kissed, by Chanel Cleeton
French Kissed by Chanel Cleeton
Release Date: December 1, 2014
New Adult Contemporary Romance
International School Book 3
On the surface Fleur Marceaux has it all—if only the façade matched reality. With one year left at the International School in London, Fleur’s struggling to graduate, her love life is a mess, and she can’t stop thinking about Max, her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. But all of that pales compared to the blackmailer determined to destroy her.
There’s a social hierarchy at the International School, and Max Tucker is outside the velvet ropes. After watching Fleur break his friend’s heart, Max knows to stay away from trouble—despite the crush he’s had on her since freshman year. But when they’re partnered on a project, Max learns there’s more to Fleur than meets the eye, and she just might be worth the wild ride.
The more time they spend together, the further Max falls. And when a kiss awakens a passion Fleur never imagined, she’s unable to resist Max, who she thought was wrong for her, but might be the only thing that’s right.
Don’t miss the final book in the International School series. This New Adult romance is recommended for readers 17 and up.
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22858376-french-kissed
Want to see where it all began?
I SEE LONDON (International School Book 1)
Amazon http://amzn.to/MpM27V
iBooks http://bit.ly/1ewcogY
LONDON FALLING (International School Book 2)
Amazon http://amzn.to/1n6rvo2
iBooks http://bit.ly/1ziLXaq

Law school made Chanel realize she’d rather spend her days writing sexy stories than in a courtroom, and she hasn’t looked back since. An avid reader and hopeless romantic, she’s happiest curled up with a book. She has a weakness for handbags, her three pups, and her fighter pilot husband. Chanel writes New Adult contemporary romances and thrillers.
She is the author of I SEE LONDON and LONDON FALLING, published by Harlequin HQN, the upcoming FRENCH KISSED, and FLIRTING WITH SCANDAL, the first book in a new three-book NA series to be released by Penguin/Berkley in 2015.
Website www.chanelcleeton.com
Twitter www.twitter.com/chanelcleeton
Facebook www.facebook.com/authorchanelcleeton
Goodreads www.goodreads.com/chanelcleeton
Pinterest www.pinterest.com/chanelcleeton
***Book Spotlight*** Cover Reveal - Beautiful Ruin, by Alison Foster
GENRE: New Adult Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: September 19, 2014
Grace Kendall knows what it’s like to have life knock you on your butt. She’s been through hell and made it back. She’s fine with trusting no one and expecting nothing until a night wind blows something quite unexpected onto her doorstep in the rain.
The scruffy, yet gorgeous enigma known as Nathan Henley steps inside her apartment and brings with him all those feelings Grace has tried so hard to tuck safely away. Beneath his bruised and damaged exterior, she senses all the dark and beautiful secrets lost within the tarnished diamond of his lonely heart.
Like everyone before him, he must be too good to be true. She resists his mystery as long as she can, but she knows that any woman would gladly throw themselves against his rock hard chest and shatter helplessly into a million lustful pieces.
When Grace finally decides to trust again, her ex-boyfriend Jack returns to her life with his crooked grin and the past comes crashing down. With the world spinning all around her, Grace must do more than trust, she must fight for the salvation of her own lonely heart.
*Content Warning: this book contains explicit language and sex. Mature readers only.*
The expected publication date is September 19th, 2014, on all of your favorite e-book websites.
Nate nods. His hand squeezes mine softly as he stares into my eyes. “I don’t know anything about your life,” he says.
“There’s a good reason for that,” I try to joke. “It’s totally boring and uninteresting. Lame, as you put it last night.”
“Hey, I didn’t say lame, I said pathetic. There’s a difference.”
“Well, thank you. That makes me feel so much better. Promoted from lame to pathetic. Awesome.”
“You’re welcome, but are we sure it’s a promotion?”
“You’re so not cool,” I say. It’s probably ironic, but I feel relaxed for the first time in a long time. A time that I’d rather not reminisce. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t know anything about your life, either, Nate.”
I’ve barely finished my sentence when he leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. My relaxation vanishes. The shock paralyzes my mind. I don’t know why, but I let him kiss my lips softly for as long as he likes. His bruised cheek brushes against mine but his soft stubble doesn’t bother me.
The smell of fresh soap blends with the musk scent of his muscular body. I’m doing my best to control myself and not reach under his shirt to feel that six pack of his, but as he pushes his tongue in my mouth, I gently pull away.
“Nate, we’re in a library,” I remind him.
“So, you’re not mad?” he says, relieved somehow.
“I’m not sure what I am. It’s just inappropriate.”
“Did it feel inappropriate?” he says.
I don’t answer. I just stare at him in a way that lets him know I’m done answering his questions. I’m not ready to embark on anything new and I don’t want to lie about loving the way he kissed me. I’m in charge.
He reads my thoughts. “Hey, it doesn’t have to be complicated,” he says. “Let’s have dinner while going over our notes and creating our leaflets.”
I nod, grateful for his quick thinking and his generous effort to make things easy and simple. “That works,” I agree.
“I have some shopping to do,” he says as he gets up. “I’ll meet you in an hour back at your place.”
“Make that an hour and a half,” I say, refusing to sacrifice the precious bubble bath I’ve had in mind since leaving work.
He walks away and my heart is still racing. I find myself standing on the sidewalk outside the library not sure how I got here. Disorientation and wonderment course through my body making me light headed.
When my mind starts working again, it hungers labels for what just happened. Love at first sight or spontaneous lust or the desire to disappear from everything. Strangely, it felt safe and trustworthy. It felt like it should have happened and so I allowed it.
For the first time since Jack, my heart pounds out of control with electric curiosity. I didn’t know if that would ever happen again. I think of something I read recently, a Japanese saying: If it’s good, hurry.
AUTHOR BIO: Alison Foster loves reading a good love story almost as much as she loves writing one. She spends her time dreaming up strong heroes and even stronger heroines and she enjoys finding unexpected strengths within her characters when they are in the most unexpected places.
She believes that passion makes the world go round and that a sexy grin is as sweet as candy. She loves interacting with readers, so feel free to drop her a line.
TWITTER https://twitter.com/alisonsreads
a Rafflecopter giveaway
***Book Spotlight*** Cover Reveal - Left Behind, by Vi Keeland & Dylan Scott
Left Behind by
New York Times Bestselling Author Vi Keeland and Dylan Scott
(A standalone novel)
Genre: A New Adult Romance novel
Want to read the first few chapters? Sign up for Vi’s mailing list now and get a sneak peek! http://eepurl.com/0ABfr
Add Left Behind to your TBR list on Goodreads! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22438116-left-behind
RELEASE DATE: October 16th, 2014
Cover designed by Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative
Model: Siselee Maughan
Two stories so deeply intertwined, you’ll think you know how they intersect…but you’ll be wrong….Zack MartinThe day I met Emily Bennett my whole world changed. Sure, we were just kids, but I was old enough to know my life would never be the same. She was my best friend. My destiny. My fate. I wasn’t wrong…I just didn’t know how twisted fate could be.Nikki FallonAfter the death of my mother, moving from my dark and dreary trailer park to sunny California, I was focused on one thing – finding a sister I’d only just learned existed. Falling in love with him wasn’t part of the plan. But he filled a void I never knew was possible to fill. He had to be my fate. My destiny. Until the day I finally found out who my sister was…and how twisted fate could be.
Additional Books by Vi Keeland
Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter Series, Book One)
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1xC6epE
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1alpVES
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1dbzZ8R
Smashwords - http://bit.ly/1is0zNX
iTunes: http://bit.ly/1co2ZpF
Worth The Chance (MMA Fighter Series, Book Two)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1xC71aa
Itunes: http://bit.ly/1gHMCZg
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1fqQcnj
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/NU2rCR
Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter Series, Book Three)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1wbsJEK
Amazon UK: TBD
B & N: http://bit.ly/1ljdVzb
iTunes: http://bit.ly/XBTLFX
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1kWP4ka
First Thing I See (Stand Alone)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1qLL4ET
Belong to You (A Cole Novel, Book One)
Amazon US : http://amzn.to/1jdAlRk
Made For You (A Cole Novel, Book Two)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1qLLdIk
About the Author:
Vi Keeland
Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!
Dylan Scott
Dylan Scott is a New York trial attorney, wife and mother of four. She believes her job as a trial attorney is a subcategory to the field of entertainment more than law. With a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature she believed teaching English was a destined career choice until she realized her life long talent of "argument" could actually be her job. A recent, fairly boring, midlife crisis resulted in a brief stint as a middle school English teacher which confirmed that she wasn't ready to give up the law. Dylan has also taught legal courses at the college level and worked with at-risk inner city youth in the roles of mentor and coach. She is co-author Vi Keeland's biggest fan.
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