
Pre-order SALE! We Shouldn't And Yet... is coming!

Do you remember this book?

Yes? Well, I have some great news! It's coming. :D

The release date is picked and you'll be able to read 'We Shouldn't And Yet...' June 7! June 7, my friends. 

Dex just came out and I'm already getting ready to publish another book. If I don't lose my mind it'd be surprising. 

I have another good news. Ready?

It's available on pre-order! And it's on sale while it's on pre-order for only $1.99. You don't want to wait too long to 1-click this one. 
If you pre-order, the book will appear on your e-reader at midnight. Isn't it great?

So, you can find 'We Shouldn't And Yet...' or WESAY for short over at:


I'm still waiting for Kobo and iTunes to list the book. 

Who is going to pre-order this one? :D

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