
Six Years: Some News

Remember that book? It's coming out June 9th and I really hope you marked the date in your calendar. ;)

Six Years is a rather long book (over 100k words) and since it's the first book I'm going to self-publish I've picked a release date that wouldn't be too close to give me enough time to prep this big baby for the grand day.

As of today, my first beta reader (and a wonderful lady I'm glad to call friend now) has the last chapter and epilogue to beta read. It's in her inbox. :D

What does that mean?

It means that once she's finished and once I've worked on these following her comments, I'm going to send Six Years to more beta readers. But this time around it shouldn't take long because the book is more readable at this point.

After that, I'll tweak some things and then it'll be edited. Then, I'm going to drive myself crazy formatting Six Years. In theory, I know what I'm doing. Let's see if the end result works.

And then... I'll be sending the ARC! That's when I'll be rocking in the corner, wondering why I put myself through this. It's not going to be pretty, but at least you won't see it. ;)

I'm pretty sure I'll be ready long before the release date, but now I can't exactly pick another one. I'd rather have my book ready long before the release than having to put all-nighters to format the thing and do a bad job.

So, I'm getting more and more nervous, but I'm also very excited. (I'm also kind of bouncing on my couch right now thinking about working on We Shouldn't And Yet... because now I have the time).

Stay tuned for more info regarding Six Years and if you feel like sharing the teasers and/or the link to add it to goodreads I couldn't thank you enough.

Six Years on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24932168-six-years

Enter your email address if you wish to be notified when Six Years is LIVE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yyTW2thg6BKkkZf-V8EUx_bhInddU3sibkwXCR0haV8/viewform

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