
2014: Personal Challenge - January


Because writing is always difficult and because I often need someone to boost me, I signed up for a challenge over at Bookish Treasure ( http://www.bookishtreasures.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/2014-personal-challenge-january-goal.html?m=1 ). My friend Laura had that idea for 2014 and I think it's a really great one. I hope you will be many more to sign up since it's a challenge as much for readers, bloggers as it is for writers. Check it out on her blog. :)

Now that I'm done with my ramblings, it's time for my goals this month. Let's see...

1/ Write a scene from Patch Up from Duke POV. I already wrote half of it. I hope you will like it! 

2/ Edit two to three more chapters of the sequel of Patch Up. It's not something I'd be able to do without the f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s Wendy, my beta-reader/editor. 

3/ Write two more chapters from my Secret Project. It's a New Adult Contemporary romance - stand-alone - that I have a hard time to write. I wrote half of the first draft... 

4/ Add a couple of scenes to a fun NA Contemporary novel I'm 'ready' to send to my beta readers if it's worth it. And if they want to read it. 

I guess this month is going to be a busy one of I do everything. Wow! 

And you, what are your goals this month? 

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